Vitamins vs. Fruits & Veggies: How the Nutrients Stack Up

Your lunch break has just started and you have two options on the table: A big colorful salad and a thick slice of wholegrain bread with hummus… or a vitamin pill. 

Most of us would choose the salad and bread every time. And that’s a good thing because the most potent nutrients we consume come from food. Eating healthy food is the best way to get nutrients, according to research [1]. However, it’s not easy to get all 24 essential vitamins and minerals every day. And as we age, it becomes even more difficult. 

That’s where nutritional supplements come in—to “plug the gaps in your diet,” as Harvard researchers put it. But not all supplements are equal. Some barely contain enough nutrition to make them worth your money. Thankfully, liposomal nutrients like those found in Manna’s supplements are packed with nutrition that’s easy for your body to absorb. So, you get loads of nutrients without having to consume more calories or eat kale every day. 

But just how much nutrition is in each dose? We’re going to put our Manna products where our mouths are in an epic head-to-head matchup to show you how Manna liposomal nutrients compare to real food.*

Manna Liposomal Nutrients vs Veggies 

Below, you’ll see how much real food you’d have to eat to get the same nutrition as a single serving of Manna’s liposomal supplements. 

Manna Liposomal Vitamin C = 20 Oranges

It’s hard to say no to a glass of fresh-squeezed OJ. But 20 oranges worth? That would be over a half-gallon of juice and nearly three times your daily sugar intake! Instead, add a single teaspoon of Manna Liposomal Vitamin C to a small glass of orange juice to get all the immunity-boosting C you need. 

Manna Liposomal Glutathione = 122 Asparagus Spears

Glutathione is one of the most powerful (and important) antioxidants in the body, but it’s really hard to get from food… unless you want to munch asparagus, brussel sprouts, kale, and cauliflower non-stop, every day. Taking Manna Liposomal Glutathione is a far better option. 

Manna Liposomal CoQ10 = 75 Avocados 

CoQ10 is the diva of the supplement world. Not only because it may help you age with the grace of Celine Dion and support fertility, but also because it has expensive tastes. CoQ10 is found in food that costs a pretty penny, such as avocados, strawberries, and pistachios. And you’d have to eat a whole bunch of them all just to get a decent dose. Instead, get your daily CoQ10 fix from just a teaspoon of Manna Liposomal CoQ10.  

Manna Liposomal Zinc = 15 Cups of Peas

Your body doesn’t produce zinc, so you need to get it from food or supplements. How much zinc do you get each day? If you’re not eating a lot of peas, oysters, cashews, or fortified breakfast cereals, then probably not enough. Get the zinc you need to protect your body from chronic health issues from just a half-teaspoon of Manna Liposomal Zinc.

Manna Liposomal Vitamin D3 and K2 = 16 Glasses of Milk and ½ Pound of Liver

Vitamin D is one of the most difficult nutrients to get from food alone, which is why many Americans don’t get enough [2, 3]. Vitamin K is also an elusive nutrient unless you often snack on pounds of liver and lettuce. Instead of working a milk-and-liver-based meal into your diet, get all the vitamin D and K you need from Manna Liposomal D3 + K2 [4, 5]. 

Manna’s liposomal supplements provide loads of nutrition to plug those gaps in your diet—more than you could ever get from veggies alone, no matter how big your salad bowl is. They also make it easier for you to eat the things you actually want or to follow a weight loss diet without missing out on critical nutrition. 

With that in mind, remember that nutritional supplements are not meant to completely replace a diet rich in fresh fruits and vegetables, and low fat and sodium. The examples listed in this article are simply comparing the power of our supplements to many healthy foods.

Explore all of Manna’s liposomal supplements now.


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