How To Naturally Support Your Immune System With Liposomal Zinc

Now, perhaps more than ever, supporting your immune system is especially important to your health and well-being. The stronger your immune system, the greater its ability to fend off infections. Conventional wisdom suggests "practice makes perfect" — that is, your immune system becomes more seasoned with each illness it defeats and thus stronger.


This is also the concept behind vaccines: a mild introduction to a virus prepares the body to fight off a full-fledged infection. But there are other ways to help naturally support and strengthen your immune system even further as well.


The key to accomplishing this goal may lie in zinc. Zinc can be found on the periodic table of elements at number 30 and — like iron, potassium, and calcium — is an essential mineral to human life. Zinc in particular has become famous for its potential to suppress symptoms of the common cold, but its potential uses may extend far beyond that!

Second only to iron in its prevalence in the human body among trace elements, zinc has been shown to be critical in immune response. Furthermore, zinc deficiency has been shown to play a role in inflammation, increasing both the extent of the swelling and the damage to the tissue. Zinc even acts as an antioxidant, and may help protect against heart disease, cancer, and diabetes*(1).


Clearly, sustaining proper zinc levels is integral to maintaining your body’s fighting line against infections. 


Should you worry about taking in enough zinc? Perhaps. While severe zinc deficiency is rare, and mild to moderate cases are more common in developing countries, approximately one of every six adults may be at risk(2). Unfortunately, some of us are unable to absorb this mineral as well as others. Factors that can contribute to low levels of zinc include genetics, alcoholism, malnutrition, and many others.


Even a mild zinc deficiency has been shown to cause such conditions as reduced sperm count and slight weight loss, while a more severe lack of the trace element has been shown to cause physical and mental growth delays(3). Even mild cases of zinc deficiency have been shown to adversely affect the functions of T cells, which play a key role in immune response(5).


Fortunately, the risk of zinc deficiency — and all its effects — can be addressed. Because the body does not naturally produce zinc, the only way to increase zinc absorption is to increase zinc intake(6). Optimizing your diet to ideal zinc levels may not be a viable strategy on its own, but fortunately there is a solution: zinc supplements. Like zinc ingested from food, zinc supplementation has been shown to reduce incidence of infection and to protect against toxin-induced liver damage*(7).


However, not all zinc supplements are created equal. Manna Liposomal Zinc supplements contain zinc surrounded by lipids, which are essentially "fat bubbles." Generally speaking, bioavailability of any substance has been shown to be optimized in this state — surrounded by lipids(8). Conversely, zinc supplements that do not take advantage of liposomal technology may not achieve as high of an absorption rate.


In sum, zinc is a key player in your long-term health, and maintaining proper zinc levels is a worthwhile investment of time and effort. The potential benefits of zinc are numerous, and may include supporting your immune system, heart, and liver*. Zinc is far more than just a hack to make a cold more tolerable — it’s a critical mineral with many benefits. Click here to learn more about Manna Liposomal Zinc.

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